Monday, October 3, 2016

Stand Out of the Applicant Database

Levitt & Associates, Inc. shares how to maximize your chances of getting the interview...

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Your resume has approximately 60 seconds to make an impact. Here's how to make yours stand apart from all the others: 

Optimize Your Resume

As in, Search Engine Optimize. Just the same as how a Google search uses Search Engine Optimization to give you the most relevant results, recruiters, and HR departments sometimes use electronic applicant tracking systems to sort through resumes and cover letters to provide them with the most relevant candidates in the applicant database.

Maximize your exposure by adding in relevant keywords used in the job description. Build these keywords into your work experience, education and qualifications sections. 

 Attention Grabbing Sections

Key honors/awards: List these under Education.

Key Skills: Use bullet points under Work Experience to convey your key skills that are most relevant to the position.

Frame Your Resume

Make your resume easy for the reader to speed read without missing pertinent information. Divide your resume into clearly headed sections: Education, Experience, and Activities. Don't get too fancy with the fonts, the basics are easiest to read. 

Levitt & Associates, Inc.