Tuesday, January 3, 2017

4 Reasons to Work with an Outside Recruiter

Levitt & Associates, Inc. shares 4 reasons to work with an outside recruiter...

Your firm may have an HR department and they may have brought some great talent to your team in the past... here are 5 reasons to work with an external recruiter to bring you new talent:

1. Speed and Focus
Search and placement is a recruiter's soul focus. Recruiting firms have dedicated years building an extensive network of contacts and when you bring in a recruiter, you are able to borrow this mass list of contacts.

2. Credibility
An outside recruiter is often viewed by candidates as an objective expert. Candidates may find it difficult to trust an internal recruiter as they have the firm's best interest in mind. The perspective of a trusted recruiter (who has both party's interests in mind), can influence a candidate's decision between competing offers.

3. High Demand, Low Supply
Good talent is hard to find (and retain). Finding new talent that fits well with the firm's culture requires a focused and ongoing effort. It is more cost effective for you and your team to dedicate your efforts on retention and delegate searches to an external source.

4. Market Intelligence
In working with an experienced recruiter, you are able to borrow their inside information. Recruiters keep informed on the latest market, industry, and salary trends. Recruiters who specialize in your industry know the backgrounds, motives, successes and failures of the talent pool, thus enabling them to present only the best candidates.

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