Saturday, April 1, 2017

10 Game Changers on the Job Hunt

Levitt & Associates, Inc. shares 10 game changing points to consider when searching for a career move...

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1. Attitude
Be committed, be passionate, believe that "failure is not an option." Finding a new opportunity can be a job in itself. Speak with friends, family, a recruiter, previous employers, old colleagues; let them know you are searching and ask if they know of any law firms or companies hiring.

2. System
Set goals, know your intentions, plan your activity, role-play for interview situations. Know what you want, aim for it, know how you are going to get there and go.

3. Idea
Know what the market might bare for someone with your particular skills and background. Know approximately how long it will take from the resume submission to the interview. Have an idea of how long your search for the right position will take.

4. Activity vs. Productivity
You are not in a position to let fear of rejection rule your search. You interviewed, you did not get a position, you may feel discouraged. Focus on the big picture. That position may not be the right position for you, what can you do to improve on your next interview? Be productive and keep searching.

5. Face-to-Face
You are a step closer to your new job when you are able to speak with them on the phone. You are a leap closer when you meet in face-to-face interviews. Do everything in your power to get an in-person interview.

7. Prepare
Your self-esteem will be raised if you are truly prepared for the interview. Prepare a presentation on yourself as to why you should be hired. Sell yourself in the interview. Dress professionally. Put your best foot forward and ask for the job you want. Share what you can bring to the table and what separates you from other candidates.

8. Focus
What can you do for them? That is the focus. What's in it for you is secondary and not the main topic of conversation in the first interview. Give an employer enough reasons for why they should hire you and they will share what they do to reciprocate.

10. POV

Have a diplomatic answer prepared for why you left (or are leaving) your last job. Avoid a "me-centered" point of view and present past or current employers and colleagues in a professional, if not positive light. 

Levitt & Associates, Inc.

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