Monday, December 29, 2014

Interview with an Attorney Recruiter

Alisa Levitt, founder of Levitt & Associates, Inc. Attorney Search and Placement, shares an interview with an attorney recruiter...

Alisa Levitt, Founder Levitt & Associates, Inc.

Attorney recruiters can be a great resource in the job search process. They are part career
counselor, consultant, advisor, and fact finder. Many attorneys (“Candidates”), however, don’t appreciate the value of working with a reputable recruiter. They often overlook, or simply undervalue, the importance of the contacts and experience that are developed over many years in the industry. I hope to provide insight into the advantages of working with an ethical seasoned attorney recruiter and how to go about selecting one for your needs and ultimate goals.

Attorney recruiters assist Candidates seeking career opportunities with law firms or corporations (“Clients”) and assist Clients with their searches based on specific hiring criteria. When assessing a Candidate for a position, recruiters look for the best fit based on skill set, experience, credentials, and culture of the firm. Because recruiters have a thorough
understanding of what their Clients look for in Candidates, they make the job search quicker
and more efficient. They also help Candidates with their resumes, prepare them for interviews, and may be involved in salary negotiations.

The Candidate-Attorney Recruiter partnership typically begins with the Candidate either being referred to the recruiter or the recruiter, through his/her own network, contacting a Candidate to discuss specific career opportunities. In both scenarios, the next step is for the recruiter to interview and build a relationship with the Candidate.

Once you have made a decision to begin the search process make sure your resume and/or online profile is current and projects the image you want to portray to potential employers. If
you’re an associate, order your law school transcript, submit a writing sample to your recruiter, and line up your references. Your recruiter will need this documentation to assist you in your search.

After an interview has been scheduled recruiters provide advice on interview techniques specific to each individual Candidate. Recruiters typically have insight into the firm or corporation based on their relationship with the Client.

It’s very important for Candidates to keep their recruiter apprised of their search from start to
finish. Stay in touch with your recruiter. Let them know what your status is so they may do
their job efficiently and in a timely manner. Leaving your recruiter in the dark can not only
damage your relationship but hinders their ability to assist you in your job search.

A referral is the best tool for finding a recruiter who is right for you. Ask your peers if they
know any attorney recruiters in the area. Alternatively, you can locate reputable recruiters
through the National Association of Legal Search Consultants at

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