Friday, January 16, 2015

What Interviewers Wish They Could Tell Every Job Candidate

Levitt & Associates, Inc. shares the Do's and Don'ts of interviewing...

  • Be likable. Seems simple enough but the nerves that often come with the interview process can throw common sense out the window. Smile, make eye contact, sit straight and lean a bit forward (indicating that you are interested in the conversation), and demonstrate your enthusiasm.
  • Don't say you want the job before you know everything about it. Of course you want the position, that's why you are there. You may have read the job description but its best not to jump in with both feet before you know what the full details of what the job entails. You may be required to travel more than you were prepared for, work 60+ hour weeks, or report to someone with less experience than yourself. Ask questions.
  • Stand out. Use first impressions to your advantage. Interviewers often meet with numerous candidates and it is hard to distinguish who did what, if they remember you at all. Slip in tidbits of impressive information like you enjoy triathlons, share that your achievements include completing a project in half the time expected, or add a subtle yet unique touch to your wardrobe.
  • Keep negativity in check. Negative remarks create a larger impression than positive remarks. If you don't have something nice to say about your current employer, your coworkers or your clients, don't say anything at all.
  • Ask questions. Make sure this position is the right fit for you. Find out what will be expected of you in the first 6 months, what qualities make their top performers stand out, how you will be evaluated, etc. 
  • Sum up why you would be a good fit. Throughout the interview, you covered a lot of information. Now that you've reached the end, express your interest in the position and let them know why you want the job; perhaps you love working with multiple teams or you enjoy frequent travel. Share it.

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